29,000 miles

I started this blog one year and 29,000 miles ago. Wow!

I haven’t slept in my own bed in … nine months. My friend Michael asked, “You still have a bed?” I believe I do—in storage. It got me thinking. What are the numbers for the adventure so far?

29,000 miles traveled, roughly (19,000 flown, 10,000 miles bused, ferried, cruised)
4,500 street dogs (3,000 in Valparaiso alone)
178 empanadas (half baked, half fried)
63 posts
47 stops see map
46 bottles South American wine
39 Pizzas (9 homemade)
24 nights camping in Canada and Chile
23 bus rides (longest 18 hours, Buenos Aires to Iguazu Falls)
22 dull kitchen knives at Airbnbs and hostels
14 flights (longest 10 hours, 18 minutes)
13 ferries (longest 1100 miles, 3 days)
12 cold showers
9 hitchhiking adventures
8 seasons—spring, summer, fall, winter, summer, fall, winter, spring
5 countries + Antarctica
4 wine ice creams
3 items lost or stolen (down vest, charging cord, boots [later found], MasterCard)
2 passports
1 duct-tape wallet

#FreeRangeChick #WorldTravel

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